Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Schools Forum, Tuesday 28th November 2017 1.30 pm (Item 5.)

Update from Ms S Callaghan, Service Director for Education.


Ms S Callaghan, Director for Education, presented her report and gave a verbal update to the Schools Forum. The following points were noted during discussion and in answer to Members questions:


  • The focus of the update would be in response to pressure on the High Needs Block fund. The question of moving funds from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block was asked as part of the consultation and Members would be seeking assurance that this would be achievable.
  • There was a higher percentage of high needs pupils in Buckinghamshire (3.1%) than the national average (1.8%).
  • £14m was spent on independent provision both inside and outside of the County.  
  • As part of the high needs demands strategy, the Local Authority would be reviewing the commissioning of independent school places in order to reduce demand.
  • Officers were in negotiation with the Buckinghamshire Learning Trust and the Specialist Teaching Service to introduce a pilot in order to work with schools in a more integrated way.
  • There had been good engagement from specialist school head teachers and Additionally Resourced Provisions (ARPs).
  • Ms Callaghan agreed to circulate the report.
  • Ms Callaghan advised that she would be meeting the Skills Funding Agency on 5 December 2017.


ACTION: Ms S Callaghan


·         Reviews had been completed on 284 placements.

·         In answer to queries regarding the development of the former Penn School site, Ms Callaghan advised that she would be meeting with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), who had purchased the site, on 5 December 2017. Ms Callaghan agreed to circulate an update to Members regarding placements and bids from providers looking to use the site following this meeting.


ACTION: Ms S Callaghan


·         It was noted that the tribunals data (circulated to Members outside of the Schools Forum meeting) showed that there could be a possible 40% increase in legal costs for the Local Authority to defend its proposed provision and the cost of tribunals.

·         In order to try to reduce the numbers of cases going to tribunal, a pilot project would be set up to look at how to improve engagement with parents and schools earlier in the placement process for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

·         There would be an away-day with the SEND team and HB law to look to at active engagement and building better relationships with parents and the SEND Improvement Plan would include work relating to tribunals.

·         The Chairman asked Ms Callaghan to feedback on tribunals as part of her update at the next Schools Forum meeting.


ACTION: Ms S Callaghan


·         Mr Huskinson highlighted the breakdown of needs which was included as part of the agenda packs. This would exclude Early Years and the Private Voluntary and Independent (PVI) Sector.


·         In answer to concerns about the lack of support for early intervention, Ms Callaghan advised members that there would be a piece of work completed running alongside the Inclusion Hub which would look at SEND reforms and Early Years. Ms Callaghan agreed to provide a link so that Members would be able to access this information.


ACTION: Ms S Callaghan


·         The Chairman expressed that he would be keen to track progress with Ms Callaghan in relation to funding.

·         An analysis of the consultation showed support for the transfer of £650k to the High Needs Block. As the ring fenced block had now been lost, a proactive push forward would be required.


ACTION: Mr J Huskinson and the Chairman


·         An in-depth discussion took place regarding the possible overlaps in the Education Strategy and the SEN Strategy (2017-2020). Ms Callaghan agreed to highlight which areas of the information presented would relate to the SEN Strategy and ensure this was explicitly referenced in a grid for rationale in her update to the Schools Forum on 16 January 2018.


ACTION: Ms  S Callaghan


·         On 8 January 2018 schools would be brought together to discuss both strategies and what they would mean in practice. In addition to this schools would receive information on the recent safeguarding inspection. Due to the large scale ambitions, a number of delivery plans would be required.

·         Members felt that there should be more consistency with both strategies and were keen to know more about what the key delivery plans and key milestones would be.


The Chairman thanked Ms Callaghan for her presentation.